Telethon Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship Levels:
- $30,000+ – Lead Sponsors
- $25,000 – Presenting Sponsors
- $15,000 – Platinum Partners
- $10,000 – Golden Givers
- $5,000 – Silver Supporters
Benefits Before the Telethon:
- Lead, Presenting and Platinum sponsor logos will appear on all promo materials for the Telethon, including a mailed postcard and email blast to RMHC Philadelphia network.
- Platinum and Golden Sponsors will be recognized in 30-second public service announcements to air throughout July on CBS3.
- Lead and Presenting Sponsors will be recognized on Heartbeat segment airing in July.
- Lead and Presenting Sponsors will be recognized on Heartbeat segment airing in November.
- 30-second promotional videos containing sponsorship logos ($15,000 and above) will air on CBS3 in November.
- Logos of Platinum and Golden Sponsors will appear on local digital ads before, during, and after the Telethon.
Benefits During the Telethon:
- Lead and Presenting Sponsors will have the opportunity to introduce a family or present a check live on-air. (Only 15 spots available. Appearances will be scheduled based on the date of commitment.)
- Platinum and Golden Giver Sponsors receive recognition on on-air segments with thank-you messages similar to: ‘Thank you to [Your Company Name] for their Platinum/Golden Sponsorship of today’s RMHC Telethon!’
- Lead and Presenting Sponsors will have the opportunity to submit their pre-produced 30-second (or less) commercial to be played during the live specials. (Commercials must be pre-produced by the sponsor. Only 12 spots available. Commercials will be scheduled in order of application. Commercial material must be delivered at least 1 week prior to air date.)
- On-set signage will include logos for the Lead, Presenting, and Platinum Sponsors.
- On-air billboards will run with sponsor logos ($10,000 and above) on CBS3.
- All Sponsor logos will be included in an on-air “thank you” full screen.
- Names of Sponsors at all levels will be included in a scroll on-screen during the event.
- Three members from companies at all Sponsorship levels will have the opportunity to volunteer during the Telethon for a one-hour shift.
- All sponsors will have a photo opportunity with CBS talent.
Benefits After the Telethon:
- All Sponsors will have the opportunity to give away an incentive item.
- Sponsors at $10,000 and above will have their logos included in 15-second “thank you” ads airing on CBS3.
- Lead and Presenting Sponsors will have the opportunity to submit their pre-existing 30-second (or less) commercial to have played during the repeat specials. (Commercials must be pre-produced by the sponsor. Only 12 spots available. Commercial material must be delivered at least 1 week prior to air date.)
- On-air billboards will run with all sponsor logos CBS3.
- Sponsor logos will be included in the “thank you” letters that are sent to all Telethon donors will include logos from sponsors at $10,000 and above.
- Logos of all sponsors will be printed on McDonald’s tray liners that will be used throughout store in the Philadelphia Region, totaling over 500,000 trays.